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Die freie Trauung

The Ceremony

First and foremost, you must know that this type of liberal wedding is in your hands! It doesn’t matter where, when, or who you’re getting married to - there are absolutely no restrictions! This can mean, for example, you’ve left yourself plenty of room to plan the style of your wedding, you’re getting married in different religions (or none at all), you want a multilingual ceremony, or you’re planning a same-sex union. To ceremonially say “I do” to each other gives your decision the uniqueness and meaningfulness that you deserve on your special day. Every couple, whether traditional or modern, is welcome and can exchange vows in this unrestricted yet formal setting. For many a wedding outside of church or court is appealing as less formal. Laughter, tears and applause should be allowed! 


How it works

First steps

You’re Engaged! Now what? How exactly does this liberal wedding work?

It’s simple: first of all, send your inquiry through the contact form below. In the event that your date is not yet taken and you are in agreement with our conditions, you´ll meet your speaker for coffee and get to know each other. We want the chemistry to be right— because if it’s not, even the most wonderful of speeches would be of no help to you. So take your first impressions home with you and within the next days, you’ll decide whether we will be the one who may lead your wedding ceremony.


You choose us? Great!

In our following discussions your speaker will try to uncover all he or her can about your story.

What connects you as a couple? What makes your relationship unique? What are you driving yourself crazy with?

Of course, you will also discuss how you imagine your wedding ceremony, which should not be missing under any circumstances, we will answer all the questions that concern you and of course, we can also discuss any anecdotes that may be better off kept between you and your speaker — and spare you mother-in-law’s ears. 

And here we go! Your speech comes to fruition.

Your wedding

The big day is here!

Your speaker will be at the venue early to get comfortable with the surroundings, and be there for you to discuss last minute wishes for the speech, if any. And then comes the big moment: the ceremony, the crucial questions, the ring exchange, the kiss. Presumably accompanied by many tears of joy. From this day forward husband and wife. Or husband and husband. Or wife and wife. That was easy, wasn’t it?

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Marie (& Pelle)

My name is Marie and I live in Hamburg. After my education in advertising copywriting at the “Texterschmiede Hamburg” I worked several years as a freelance PR consultant in Berlin. After positions in the marketing and fashion industry, I decided nothing brings me more joy than writing and public speaking. 


I have the biggest affinity for good texts, I love the mix of precision and interpretation, and I find few things more fulfilling than to seek out the perfect expressions for a situation, a feeling, or a person. Well written words fascinate me. And for me, love will always be the most beautiful feeling that words can describe.


For that reason, I founded Literally Love in 2016, became an independent wedding speaker, and now built a small team. Together we offer weddings in different languages and in every imaginable location.

Foto: Fabijan Vuksic

My team

Naturally, I would love to personally accompany every couple as much as possible throughout their big day. Because I only take on one wedding a day, I have a wonderful team that supports me.



German & English

Freie Trauung Hamburg


German & English & Dutch

Philipp Eggers Hochzeitsfotograf Hamburg


German & English

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Janine (& Murphy)

German & English

Eure Freie Trauung mit uns

Wir bereiten mit euch gemeinsam den Auftakt eures großen Tages vor, sind immer für euch ansprechbar, geben euch Tipps rund um eure Hochzeitsplanung und empfehlen gern noch eventuell fehlende Dienstleister:innen aus unserem Netzwerk. Unser Ziel ist es, dass ihr eurer Hochzeit sorglos und voller Euphorie entgegenfiebert! Deswegen nimmt jede:r Redner:in auch immer nur eine Trauung am Tag an, denn wir möchten euch unsere ganze Aufmerksamkeit schenken.


Eure Rede bereiten wir gemeinsam mit euch in intensiven Gesprächen vor und diese wird immer individuell für euch verfasst. Am Tag selbst kümmern wir uns darum, dass das Setting genau so ist, wie wir das besprochen haben, sodass ihr euren großen Tag einfach nur genießen könnt.


Unser Versprechen an euch:

* Eine für euch verfasste Rede

* Eine Trauung, genau wie ihr sie euch wünscht

* Betreuung während der gesamten Planungsphase (falls ihr das möchtet)

* Empfehlungen aus unserem Netzwerk

* Jede:r Redner:in betreut nur eine Hochzeit am Tag





Your request

When you input your information into the contact form and click the “send” button, you are agreeing to release the given information to me, to process for your inquiry. Please see more under “Datenschutz.”


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